Midlothian Welfare Garden group returns!

Midlothian Welfare Garden group returns!

We’re pleased to announce that spring has officially sprung at Access to Industry and our Midlothian Welfare Garden group is back! Running on Tuesdays from 18 March (spring term 18 March-3 June; autumn term 19 August-4 November), the group will be clearing, planting and growing in Dalkeith Welfare Hall’s garden space. Kicking off with some […]

New Living Well Course for Parents!

New Living Well Course for Parents!

Our Moving Forward for Parents service supports parents in myriad ways and part of this is to help guide them in nurturing their own wellbeing. Our new course – Living Well – is designed to do exactly that, via mindfulness sessions, garden walks, guided meditations, painting and more! The course will run from Tuesday 1 […]

Parents – join us for a cuppa!

Parents – join us for a cuppa!

Our Moving Forward for Parents service supports participants in building a brighter future for themselves and their families. Utilising a holistic and trauma-informed approach, it assists parents with navigating change, overcoming challenges and accessing essential services. Next month, we’ll be hosting two informal Coffee Mornings – the first is on Tuesday 11 March, 10:30am-12pm (for […]

Access to Industry turns 25! 🎉

Access to Industry turns 25! 🎉

It’s not often that we stop to celebrate us and all that we do, but our 25th – quarter of a century – birthday seems a fitting time to pat ourselves on the back and share our top 6 highlights from the past twelve months. Happy birthday to us! 1. NEW VOLUNTARY THROUGHCARE SERVICE LAUNCHED […]