Case Study – S

Case Study – S

Access to Industry’s Passport CashBack service first connected with ‘S’ while he was serving a short-term sentence at His Majesty’s Young Offenders Institution Polmont (HMP & YOI Polmont). While still in HMP & YOI Polmont, ‘S’ completed several training certifications with the support of his caseworker, including: Health and safety (REHIS); Construction Skills Certification Scheme […]

Case Study – Andrew

Case Study – Andrew

When I first engaged with Access to Industry, I was a patient at LEAP. For years I was in active alcoholism and when I was admitted to LEAP I was physically, emotionally and mentally broken. My career was as a senior bank manager, however my self-confidence and self-esteem had completely left me. Access to Industry’s […]

Case Study – Kerry

Case Study – Kerry

When Kerry was released from Cornton Vale Prison she was in a very chaotic place in her life. She was allocated a Shine Mentor who supported her into homeless accommodation in Dumbarton. Within a couple of weeks it became clear to Kerry’s Mentor that this supported accommodation was not suitable for her, so they began […]

Case Study – Ms J

Case Study – Ms J

I moved to Edinburgh in December 2021. As a full-time parent, with my youngest child now in school, I started to look for jobs. But at 40 and unemployed, my confidence was really low and I was unsure how to move forward. After eight months without success, I started to look for employment support and […]