Celebrate Art: Purple Friday event

Celebrate Art: Purple Friday event

On 25 February, Access To Industry’s weekly art therapy group for young people, Celebrate Art, run in partnership with Fruitmarket, are doing a 5k relay walk around Jyll Bradley’s Pardes installation in the Fruitmarket Warehouse. The event is in celebration of Purple Friday, an annual event marking the last Friday of LGBT History Month. The participants […]

Access to Industry is 22!

Access to Industry is 22!

It’s not often that we take stock to celebrate AI and all that we do, but our birthday seems as good a time as any to look back at the past year and share with you the top 6 moments that we are most proud of. Happy 22nd birthday to us! 1. THREE NEW SERVICES […]

Beauty Basics is back!

Beauty Basics is back!

We’re pleased to announce upcoming dates for our popular Beauty Basics course, which will run for six weeks (Tuesday mornings) from 15 February-22 March, offering an introduction to beauty across the topics of facials, nails, and eyelashes. Each topic will last two weeks, broken down into equal time spent on theory and then practical, where […]

Five Qs With – Access Photography tutor, Ronnie Baxter

Five Qs With – Access Photography tutor, Ronnie Baxter

We’re pleased to welcome Edinburgh College’s Ronnie Baxter back as tutor of this year’s Access Photography course, as he was also the first ever tutor of that course when it launched. Here’s a little more about him… Tell us a little about you? I was a working photographer for about 25 years before beginning as […]