Scotland Works for You partnership proves its worth

Scotland Works for You partnership proves its worth

Over the last 12 months, AI has developed a successful new relationship with Disclosure Scotland and its Scotland Works for You alliance. Scotland Works for You aims to secure opportunities for people with convictions to lead positive, healthy lives that contribute to society. The group, which was started in 2017, aims to both reduce the […]

Melissa uses AI as a stepping stone to Art and Design

Melissa uses AI as a stepping stone to Art and Design

Melissa was one of the students who successfully took part in AI’s Art & Identity course in 2018. This was run in collaboration with The Fruitmarket Gallery in Edinburgh. After completing this course, Melissa went on to participate in the follow-up project, Celebrate Art. While she was doing this, she was accepted to study UAL […]

Passport moving forward in Lanarkshire

Passport moving forward in Lanarkshire

2019 has already been a successful year for AI’s Passport project, which supports adults and young people with convictions. Importantly, Passport has been invited to continue as specialist employability provider on South Lanarkshire Council’s Structured Deferred Sentence programme. It has been a vital part of this programme since 2017. “Access to Industry provides a person-centred […]

MELDAP Recovery College celebrates 5 years’ of growth

MELDAP Recovery College celebrates 5 years’ of growth

As it reaches the end of its 5th year of operation, the Midlothian and East Lothian Drug and Alcohol Partnership (MELDAP) Recovery College is still expanding the range of services it provides. “In the last 12 months, partnership working has once again been our key priority,” says AI Advocacy Worker, Claire Grehan. “We have built […]