EnCompass project growing strongly

EnCompass project growing strongly

AI’s EnCompass project has had a busy second year of work. The project team have continued to deliver core employability and training services, while expanding the scope of their work. They now offer a number of more therapeutic activities, including art, meditation, SMART workshops and an eight-week Living Life to the Full course. “We recognised […]

Construction Partnership helps bridge skills gap for those leaving custody

Construction Partnership helps bridge skills gap for those leaving custody

AI has been working with the Department of Work and Pensions to provide opportunities in the construction industry for those leaving custody in Edinburgh. The first fruits of this initiative has been with Balfour Beatty, lead contractor on the renovation of Edinburgh’s North Bridge. Phase one of the North Bridge renovation work involved the installation […]

New Advocacy Worker providing vital support

New Advocacy Worker providing vital support

AI has received funding from the Scottish Government’s National Development Plan for a new Advocacy Worker. The post was taken up by Claire Grehan in April, 2019. Claire is now offering 1:1 support to people living with or affected by alcohol and substance misuse across Mid and East Lothian. So far, Claire has been working […]

New funding driving exciting new projects

New funding driving exciting new projects

AI has secured new funding that will allow us to continue to deliver a high standard of service to our clients and to develop in new and exciting areas. We have received three-year funding through Third Party Grants (Edinburgh Council) for EdinMe, a new project for young people in Edinburgh with mental health difficulties. We […]