This Service supports adults of working age living in Midlothian and East Lothian, in recovery from substance use or with current or past involvement with criminal justice, looking to progress into education, training and employment.
Participants are met by a Caseworker in their village or town (or another place of safety). Initial contact is made in accessible venues such as local libraries, community centres or recovery cafés. Participants are given support and training and encouraged to engage in local groups and activities to support them in their recovery journey.
The Service incorporates the Midlothian and East Lothian Recovery Colleges. Classes and group work are held in Dalkeith and Musselburgh, providing a choice of positive activities. Personal Learning and Development Action Plans are devised for each participant to ensure they achieve their goals.
The Service is for adults of working age living within Midlothian and East Lothian who are in recovery from substance use and/or have past or current involvement with criminal justice.
Outreach work is delivered daily to meet the needs of individuals. The College delivers its main classes in Dalkeith on a Monday and Friday, and in Musselburgh on a Wednesday and Thursday.
Classes and one-to-one support help participants make their way through the recovery process, develop their core skills and take their next steps to employment, further education, volunteering and peer support roles.
Participants are met in venues in their own community or another place of safety. The Recovery College is delivered in Dalkeith for Midlothian residents and in Musselburgh for East Lothian residents.