Case Study – Rose

Case Study – Rose

Rose was with Access to Industry, across the Services, for over six years. She first heard about us through a substance use programme and, after a big relapse stopped her working, she accessed our help. The support was invaluable to setting her on a better path: “It got me out and meeting people and helped […]

Case Study – Donnie

Case Study – Donnie

Donnie initially began working with Access to Industry after being referred to the Service by his mum’s social worker. A turbulent home life, confidence issues, and poor mental health had left him in what he referred to as “a bad place in life”. Donnie commented: “I want to get my life back together”, and so […]

Case Study – John

Case Study – John

My name is John Williamson and I’m writing this to help both Access to Industry and the people who use the Service there. I needed help for mental health and alcohol problems, for which I attended group and face-to-face meetings at Turning Point over the course of approximately two years. It was through my case […]