All-new Access to Industry course – Access to Mechanics!

All-new Access to Industry course – Access to Mechanics!

In partnership with GTG Training, Access to Industry is delighted to be offering an all-new course – Access to Mechanics – aimed at providing young people who have an interest in mechanics with a pathway into the industry. The course will run over a four-week period on a two day basis, from 7 Febraury-1 March […]

2021 Gallery of Artwork: EdinMe at Fruitmarket Gallery

2021 Gallery of Artwork: EdinMe at Fruitmarket Gallery

Our EdinMe Service for young people with mental health issues has a regular creative session at the Fruitmarket Gallery, called Celebrate Art. It provides young people with experts in the artistic field, in conjunction with a trauma-informed caseworker from Access to Industry, bringing together art therapy and informed service from both sides. Here’s a selection […]

2021 Gallery of Photography: Access Progress at Stills

2021 Gallery of Photography: Access Progress at Stills

Our Access Progress employability service for unemployed parents (and those with parental responsibilities) is always keen to come up with meaningful activities that address barriers, allow parents to meet others, and express themselves as individuals. With this in mind, Access Progress recently started working with Stills on a project to enhance health and wellbeing through […]

Support and Help Contacts over the holiday period

Support and Help Contacts over the holiday period

BASIC HEALTH: A&E – get urgent help by presenting at A&E, or by calling 999 NHS 111 – call 111 for over-the-phone medical advice and out-of-hours GP services Local Community Pharmacy – for repeat prescriptions and general advice MENTAL HEALTH – 24HR SUPPORT: Samaritans – 24hr emotional support for those at risk: freephone 116 123 […]